Welcome To Discovery flexible investment

Discovery flexible investment

Discovery flexible investment

Discovery is a proudly South African-founded financial services organisation that operates in the healthcare, life insurance, short-term insurance, long-term savings, banking and wellness markets. Since inception in 1992, Discovery has been guided by a clear core purpose - to make people healthier and to enhance and protect their lives. We have been able to do this by pioneering the Shared-value Insurance model, which delivers better health and value for clients, superior actuarial dynamics for the insurer, and a healthier society. The success of the model in the markets where we operate has been testament to its importance to society. Our Shared-value Insurance model To make people healthier and enhance and protect their lives, we must look at what compromises their health, wealth and safety, and the context we operate in. Our Shared-value Insurance model delivers better health and value for clients, superior actuarial dynamics for the insurer, and a healthier society. Key to delivering on our model, is a deep understanding of the reasons for the shift in the nature of risk.


Welcome to Discovery flexible investment

Welcome to Discovery flexible investment

Discovery is a proudly South African-founded financial services organisation that operates in the healthcare, life insurance, short-term insurance, long-term savings, banking and wellness markets.  *HOW IT WORKS?* _Fellow members if you want to start your investment with us here are the steps you need to follow.._ *STEP1* _inbox the group admin and let him know that you want to start your investment._ *STEP2* _Tell your assistance the amount you are willing to start with so that he can arr...


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Discovery flexible investment

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